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Master Class: New NYC Energy Conservation Code

Thursday, August 18th, 2016 for the 2016 NYC Energy Conservation Code Master Class and Seminar SERIES in New York City. Green Building Worldwide’s New York City Energy Conservation Code Seminars and Master Classes provide a break down of best practices for adhering to the newly legislated changes.

The New York City Energy Conservation Code was amended on July 14, 2016

In a unanimous vote, the New York City Councl ushered in the amendment to New York City's Energy Conservation Code (below) on the afternoon of July 14, 2016. The Amendment, Intro. 1169A was ushered in by Councilman Jumaane Williams serving as Chair of the Housing and Buildings Committee and Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito.

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to conforming the New York city energy conservation code to the New York state energy code with amendments unique to construction in the city and repealing section 28-1001.2 in relation thereto

RETROFITS: Heating Distribution Systems, Integrating Capital Planning for Deep Energy Reductions

The City will begin implementing the top actions immediately. These include the new energy code that requires holistic energy performance, requiring comprehensive retrofits to heating distribution systems, integrating capital planning for deep energy reductions into existing energy audit requirements, and incorporating the energy conservation measures (ECM).

CAPITAL PLANNING: Access to Financing and Incentives for Energy Improvements

New York City building owners face a range of competing needs that limit the amount of capital that can be spent on energy efficiency upgrades, particularly in affordable housing. In addition, implementing deep energy retrofits and leading edge new construction techniques today can be costly because the market for these services and products is not yet mature. It will be essential to help bring down these costs and work with the private sector to improve access to financing and incentives for energy improvements.

Why This is Relevant: The amendment to the NYC Energy Conservtion Code mark a clear evolution in the direction undertaken nationally to bring the building industry in alignment with societal goals. In New York City alone, buildings are the cause of 73% of its GHG emissions.

With each cycle, the New York Energy Conservation Code is moving closer toward the goal of 80 x 50. The classes were created to empower architects, engineers, the construction industry and related professionals on the new energy codes, outlining changes and the best practices to achieve energy-efficient buildings and adhere to compliance.


  • Key Building Envelope Requirements of the new Energy Conservation code

  • Integrating CHP

  • Incorporating mandated Energy Conservation Measures (ECM)

  • The value of the granular energy market

  • Developing Financial pro forma which provides near term and long term lifecycle models

  • Current factors in calculating projected energy savings

  • New NYSERDA $30 million funding available for Real Time Energy Management

  • Working with Board of Directors and Key Stakeholders

  • Helping building owners face a range of competing needs that limit the amount of capital that can be spent on energy efficiency upgrades

As professionals charged with the furtherance of our industry and responsible for compliance, we will want to be up to speed with the significant changes. Aside from doing our part to lower GHG emissions, non compliance inevitably leads to set backs and cost over runs.

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